Saturday, June 7, 2008

Candyland Burnout

Today Whoozyerkid thought it would be a great idea to get up at 5 AM. There was a big Candyland birthday party at the home of one of her classmates. I won't get into what an insane amount of sugar there was at this party--but I think this picture should speak for itself. Whoozyermama is off to get a glass of wine with Whoozyerdaddy and go to bed early. I'm going to be one of those NERDS who waits in line for electronics tomorrow. Toys R US is having a grand reopening and I was told to arrive 2 hours before opening for my big break. So I have to get up at 7AM and get my un-fit booty in gear. And I am NOT a morning person. Oh, the insanity! WTF is wrong with me?

1 comment:

sarah said...

Hey there WYM- loooooooove the photo! Finally came on this thing to find you. I worked on mine some more :) addicting to say the least. See you thursday. Mo's Mommy.