Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Thanks Mom, I was getting kind of bored...

Happiness is using all of your baby crap the second time around. Man, I love the basement.It's like going to the store but better. No lines, no van ride, no bank account drain, no new deplorable acts against Planet Earth. We just got out Whoozyerkid's old exersaucer, hosed and wiped it down--it's ready for Whoozyerbaby and Whoozyerbaby is ready for it! The poor child is worn out now. That's the way Mama likes it! Take a loooong nap, Whoozyerbaby...
Nap, not pictured as the flash of the bulb could ruin it all for me and this blog isn't worth the loss of naptime. Nothing is as valuable as a nap in our household. Naps keep Mommy and Daddy from drinking...(OK, OK maybe that's not entirely the truth...)

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