Sunday, November 2, 2008

A Mermaid and a Sock Monkey Walk into a bar...

I mean obviously--NOT, right? Mermaids have fins, no? One doesn't walk with fins. OK---so the sock monkey and the mermaid are not of age--a minor (no pun intended) detail in this age of advanced technology.

I do want to touch upon one SMALL detail. Check out Whoozyerkid's fantabulous handmade costume that I got on Etsy. The skin-colored leotard DID NOT come with it. And the child model on the Etsy product page sported her own bikini top sans bodysuit.The back of the top cinches like a corset. What mom dresses her four-year-old as a hoochie-mermaid on All-Hallow's Eve? Not I.


Anonymous said...

omg I might have to take the sock monkey costume from you for Mateo next year. I LOVE IT! Where did you get it?

Erica Kain said...

They are SO CUTE. They are rocking those costumes!