Wednesday, October 29, 2008

A Little Tidbit.

It was family reunion time at the Coloma Country Inn last weekend. The fall leaves were out and my aunts and uncles and a couple of cousins were there--mostly from Central and Southern California soaking in the colors of a Northern Californian October. Whoozyerdaddy and I also got out for a rare date to celebrate our fifth wedding anniversary during which I got to remember in the midst of all of the choas that is our lives right now that I love that man, he makes me laugh.

My mom and Aunt C don't remember exactly which bed it was but apparently in a moment of desperation whilst touring Hearst Castle their guide gave them the nod to slip off silently and change my diaper on one. They left the group, a blowout requiring my mom's immediate attention while Aunt C went along for support (I'm thinking, more, the lookout!). Really, my bare little (at the time) booty touched rich brocade draped on a bed transported from Versailles where perhaps even King Louis XIV once snoozed---or upon where maybe, just maybe Marie Antoinette uttered "Let them eat cake."


Anonymous said...

And a great time was had by all which makes it NOT c-r-a-p-p-y!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the family photo of you all kissing Kate! AWWWW Make your heart melt.

Erica Kain said...

I'm so jealous. Your Christmas picture is DONE. That kissing Cate photo is just the best. SHIT, dude, you're totally wrapped up with your family Christmas photo, and my kids are running around looking like the Jonas Brothers with raggedy hair and surly expressions.

Anonymous said...

I have to chime in and add that this IS your xmas pic! Nothing more real and wonderous as that. I miss you...i hope we connect soon.
lots of love,