Tuesday, September 23, 2008

"Guess What, Whoozyermama?"

"What?" I answered.

"Clay Aiken is gay." said Whoozyerdaddy.

"No Shit, Sherlock." said I.

"No shit..."


Anonymous said...

another on the list of things that really didn't need to be announced: "Lindsay Lohan announces that she's dating woman."

did anyone NOT know that Clay Aiken is gay?

Anonymous said...

okay, that pic of Whoozyerdaddy must come down...he's too much of a double for Jack in the Shining!

Erica Kain said...

Oh, I thought that was the picture of the spider killing its prey you were going to post...

BTW, Daddy looks just like Baby. DUDE, it's true.

Nicole Shaputis said...

Yo---Shaken Mama---Do you mean my baby or Clay's? I call him Clay now cuz we're tight light that.

Nicole Shaputis said...

I meant like---not light. Geez WTF is wrong with me?