Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Apparently it was just a quick nap...

My beautiful children were tucked into their crib and bed at 9 PM. And just when I endeavored to sleep a turn of events ensued. Yes folks--It's 1 AM in the Whoozyerhouse and the party has just started. God help me:

Could it be this? My child is trying to save me from what happens when I snooze? "When you sleep you look funky and weird after you put things on your face." said Whoozyerkid tonight. Thanks kid. Thanks for that. I also have a "big nose". I guess I should have had that nose job when I had the chance...


Anonymous said...

LOVE the sunglasses!

Anonymous said...

I guess you can look at it as having adorable party goers vs. ugly, irritating ones! They are SO cute, we have to have a park playdate soon. We're free every Sunday now too due to f***ing football so let's set something up!
Hugs...and sleep to you!

Anonymous said...

aaaagh, the midnight marauders make me mushy come morning!