- Whoozyerkid's status at preschool is FULL TIME. No more Barney-the-babysitter. I can drop her off as early as 7 AM EVERY MORNING M-F. Not that I would, or anything. We don't get up that early. I've got my children trained that way. (Oh God, I hope I didn't ruin it for myself just now.) I will spare you the You Tube video of a chorus of angels. Because "Hallelujah" is running through my auditory memory---and I'm a heathen.
- Whoozyerhighschoolbabysitter--"C" for short starts tomorrow at 8:30. Which means I'll have glorious stretches of time between breastfeeding-- in which I can focus solely on work--and maybe squeeze in a workout--or--GET THIS---SHOWER ALONE!!!!! Maybe I can even organize my closet...
- A few minutes ago Whoozyerkid awoke from a sound sleep to pee-in the toilet!!!! She's been going commando at night (sans pull-up) and hasn't sullied her sheets once. Unlike me this child has a bladder of steel. I inherited my grandmother's bladder--which holds roughly the equivalent of a Nyquil dosing cup. When pregnant I should have a catheter and an attendant--with a six pack (not of beer, apparently) who forgets to wear a shirt to work and is at my beck and call. But I digress. Hurray for awesome horse-like bladders! Hurray for Whoozyerkid for having one! And hurray for not having to buy pull-ups! (For now.)
sooooooooo j-e-a-l-o-u-s! or aren't "good" friends supposed to say envious vs. jealous? What the hell is the difference again?! I'm both! : ) Enjoy showering alone, such the wicked pleasure!
Tell me every crazy detail of your days of freedom, I'm entranced!!
Tonight I will tell you both every crazy detail regarding my shower---and the rarely-sighted shaving of my legs...endangered like the dodo bird.
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